Recently, my mom had hip replacement surgery. Going into this, I had no idea what was involved in the surgery. A bit of research revealed just how amazing this modern medical procedure actually is. The arthritic area is removed and metal and plastic prostheses are put in their place. It really is astounding to me.

I wanted to document my Mom’s experience but I also wanted to be respectful of her not necessarily wanting to be photographed in a vulnerable state. I drove down the day after the surgery and picked up my Dad to go to the hospital. We only stayed for a couple of hours that day but came back and spent the next day visiting.

It was a low-key visit and we spent our time chatting, reading, drinking coffee and just sitting quietly. Even though we were in a hospital room, it was actually a really nice way to spend time with my parents. Usually when I come for a visit, it’s for family birthdays and holidays, so getting some dedicated time with them was great.

I shot all of this with my Voigtlander 35mm f/1.4 Nokton Classic (Leica M-mount adapted to my Sony A7II). I’m really enjoying this focal length — it strikes a great balance of presenting the subject prominently with enough of the environment to tell a story. I guess that’s why it’s a staple in the photojournalist’s arsenal! The way this lens rendered the colours in my Mom’s hospital room lit only by the daylight from the large windows captured the mood of the day perfectly. You can view the whole album on Flickr.